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Tether Opening Reception

  • Thames Art Gallery (map)


Opening Reception April 14, 2023 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Exhibition On Display April 6 - June 4, 2023

The often invisible work of caregiving is constant and undervalued. Tether explores narratives of motherhood and correlated themes, including artwork by April Hickox, Natasha Lan, Jennifer Long, Kelly O’Brien, Theola Ross, Arpita Shah, and Jessica Wohl. This group brings together parents of toddlers, children with disabilities, and school-aged youth, who have actively explored their personal experiences of being or becoming a parent within their practice. From sewing to film-making and photography, this collection of artworks ranges from works produced three decades ago to the current moment. Interweaving themes relating to the experience of time, visibility, intimacy and memory, these artists examine their relationships with parenting and their larger connection to the world in which we live.

April 13

Intermediate / Advanced Wheel Pottery

April 15

Visible Mending with Patches